Can Jeep Traditions Survive a New Age of Buyers?

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Jeep 5 Things

There’s certainly no disputing the idea that Wrangler buyers are changing.

You need look no further than the fact that the four-door Unlimited now outsells the two-door model roughly two to one for proof of that. That’s why when we stumbled on this Delmarva Now report about the things all Jeep owners do, we found ourselves thinking: yeah, but for how long?

Take, for example, the Jeep Wave, which already seems to be losing ground to a new generation of Wrangler fans. Then, there’s the idea of how many new Jeep buyers actually take their Wranglers off-road, especially considering most are buying Unlimited models.

Of course, modifying Jeeps, another one on the list, will likely stick around forever. But the other two things — attending Jeep Week events and joining a Jeep club — could easily fall victim to the new generation of Jeep owners, much like the Jeep Wave.

Nevertheless, the success of recent events like the inaugural Jeep Fest in Toledo does suggest there could very well be some new Jeep owners genuinely committed to some of the traditions.

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Via [Delmarva Now]

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