Historic Photos Capture Rich History of the ‘Sea Jeep’

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If these photos don’t stir up a sense of pride as a diehard Jeep fan, I don’t know what will.

During a time in which we find ourselves celebrating the rich history of Jeep, these pics speak to the brand’s 75th anniversary in a way that most photos of Jeeps off-roading never could. Where these Jeeps go, they don’t need roads.

The photos show the Jeeps — then known as the Ford GPs — during the ‘40s, when they were produced as military vehicles for World War II. Some of the pics depict the Jeeps being tested in the Huron River near Ford’s River Rouge plant, where the vehicles were manufactured.

According to the report, Ford produced over 12,000 of the “Sea Jeeps” during WWII. You can find more of the photos, along with some other great Jeep history in the full MLive.com story.

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Via [MLive.com]

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