Dissecting the Dreaded Jeep Windshield Wiper

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This Video Could Come in Handy If You Ever Need to Replace Your Jeep’s Windshield Wiper Motor

The windshield wipers on a Jeep are kind of like that high school counselor you couldn’t care less about. Until your senior year, that is.

Even if you live in a place like L.A., where you don’t have to use windshield wipers too often, eventually they’ll go bad. And when they do, you’re much better off having an understanding of how they work than trying to feel your way through the process.

jeep windshield wiper

Let’s be honest, even if you’re big on do-it-yourself projects, the idea of having to spend time toying with the windshield wiper on your Wrangler seems like a waste of time.

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If that’s the case, then you might want to take a few minutes to watch this episode of Jalopnik’s video series, “David Dissects.” The video, posted above, provides some pretty good insight on how a windshield wiper works mechanically. But more importantly, the nearly 12-minute clip serves as a great guide on how to completely replace a wiper, motor and all.

Who cares if David actually getting the wiper attached seems like a lost cause? It’s learning the intricate inner workings of the wiper that proves most beneficial. That’s particularly true for those who might one day be faced with changing the wiper motor on their own Jeep.

Of course, if the process still proves to be a bit too boring for your liking, you could always opt to pay someone else to do the work. But the out-of-pocket cost for the service time alone will probably have you racing back to this video clip later down the road.

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