How-To Tuesday: Clearing Up Your Fuse Confusion

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Jeep hood up

I may be going out on a limb here, but I’m going to assume that most of you are like me and DO NOT have a degree in electrical engineering. Thankfully, an advanced engineering degree is not required for Jeep ownership.

It appears though, that there has been some confusion about electrical related issues with some JKs out there. So forĀ this week’s How-To Tuesday article, we’re going to do our best to help lift the proverbial veil off the fuse box.


Let’s clear up a bit of confusion that may be still rolling around the forum, the above picture is not the fuse panel in your JK. I would imagine that everyone wishes it were a piece of standard equipment, but some of you newbies out there need to pop the hood once in a while.

If you’re wondering what the fuse box really does look like, this week’s How-To article does a fantastic job of walking you through it, along with answering some of the more common fuse questions. Once again, fuses are required to operate the modern Jeep. I’m not saying you need all of them, but I wouldn’t go out there trying to see how few fuses it takes to still operate. Didn’t the original Jeep just run on sweat, grease, and oil?

I think it’s amp’le time to increase your knowledge or brush up on some old information. (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.)

Read the entire JK Forum How-To article. >>

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