Older Jeep Cherokees Target for Thieves in Omaha

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Stolen Jeep

Sounds like it might be a bad time to own a Jeep if you live in Omaha. Well, to be more specific, it appears that it might be a bad time if you own an older model Cherokee in the Nebraska city.

According to a WMOT report, the area has seen a crazy spike in the number of Jeep thefts in the area, with most of the vehicles stolen being Cherokees from the mid 1990s to the late 2000s model years.

Thieves appear to be using a screwdriver to get into the vehicles. But it’s a little unclear as to what is actually driving the thieves to seek out Jeeps.

“Our investigators are trying to figure that out, really what these vehicles are being used for. If they are being used in other crimes or being taken out on joyrides,” Omaha Police Department Officer Michael Pecha, told WMOT.

One local resident said thieves attempted to steal his Jeep twice within six months, but failed due to an anti-theft device that shuts the vehicle down within three seconds of running if it doesn’t recognize the chip key.

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Via [WMOT]

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