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Sinkic 11-29-2010 11:11 AM

Turn off day time running lights
is there any way you can turn off your day time running lights? I know there is not fuse for them so i don't know how to turn them off. do i have to go to there dealer to get this done? or is there a programmer that can do it or can my local shop do it?

any help would be great thanks...

going nuts it's been a bad day...:naw:

HG07JKRubi 11-29-2010 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by Sinkic (Post 1958674)
is there any way you can turn off your day time running lights? I know there is not fuse for them so i don't know how to turn them off. do i have to go to there dealer to get this done? or is there a programmer that can do it or can my local shop do it?

any help would be great thanks...

going nuts it's been a bad day...:naw:

Didn't realize the JK had daytime running lights :thinking: The AEV Procal will activate/deactivate this feature.

Sinkic 11-29-2010 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by HG07JKRubi (Post 1958677)
Didn't realize the JK had daytime running lights :thinking: The AEV Procal will activate/deactivate this feature.

it says it has the ability to turn them on. does that mean it has the ability to turn the off?

phantomandy 11-29-2010 11:46 AM

Since it's a software on/off feature I would assume the dealer could turn them off for you (as long as it's not a violation in the area where you live).

Here in the states it's not law but I would personally like to get mine turned on. I'm going to ask the dealer whenever I have to take it in for any work.

I wish there was a steering wheel dance you could do like turning on/off some of the other features (like HSA).

Sinkic 11-29-2010 11:47 AM

OK i just found out it is illegal to turn off your daytime running lights (DRL). this sucks. I'll tell you way. i got DDM Tunning HIDs and they r really useless i wouldn't recommend them at all. They wont refund me after my product doesn't work. they told me that i have to put a 100 omh 25 watt resistor from my high beam wire to my ground wire on my stock wiring harness to make it work. now i have never done this and i don't know if it will even work and they don't either so i don't know if i should do it or not. what do you guys and girls think?

RAINSTATEBEAR 11-29-2010 11:49 AM

Post it if you fgure how to auto turn them on, I would love to have mine turn on automatically

Octo 11-29-2010 11:59 AM

I wouldn't say turning off your DRL is illegal, from what I was able to find, new vehicles sold in Canada must be equipped with DRL. However I wasn't able to find anything that states you must leave the DRL in place after you get a vehicle. Most dealerships in Canada won't even touch this because the is some confusion and they want to cover their own ass.

If you get an AEV ProCAL then you can switch your DRL to one of these modes.
Off - No lights unless you turn them on
Half voltage low beams (factory default for CDN vehicles)
Half voltage high beams
Park lights
Fog Lights
European Mode (This is what I run) low beam at full intensity and all park lights.

The problem you are probably having with your HID kit is the fact that the Jeep actually uses a pulse width modulated signal to run the half voltage low beams. The pulse width modulated signal causes all kinds of problems when you try to upgrade your lights and add relays or other devices to run the lights. This pulse width signal will cause problems with the ballast on your HIDs.

Your options include religiously turning on your full lights when you get into the Jeep, but chances are you will still be supplying the HID kit with low voltage on occasion, never mind what happens when someone else drives the Jeep.

I would suggest getting the ProCAL and adjusting the DRL to one of the other modes and then this may address the problem you have with your HID.

I should also mention that you might still get buzzing relays and this can typically be addressed by the addition of the capacitors and resistors.

Sinkic 11-29-2010 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Octo (Post 1958742)
I wouldn't say turning off your DRL is illegal, from what I was able to find, new vehicles sold in Canada must be equipped with DRL. However I wasn't able to find anything that states you must leave the DRL in place after you get a vehicle. Most dealerships in Canada won't even touch this because the is some confusion and they want to cover their own ass.

If you get an AEV ProCAL then you can switch your DRL to one of these modes.
Off - No lights unless you turn them on
Half voltage low beams (factory default for CDN vehicles)
Half voltage high beams
Park lights
Fog Lights
European Mode (This is what I run) low beam at full intensity and all park lights.

The problem you are probably having with your HID kit is the fact that the Jeep actually uses a pulse width modulated signal to run the half voltage low beams. The pulse width modulated signal causes all kinds of problems when you try to upgrade your lights and add relays or other devices to run the lights. This pulse width signal will cause problems with the ballast on your HIDs.

Your options include religiously turning on your full lights when you get into the Jeep, but chances are you will still be supplying the HID kit with low voltage on occasion, never mind what happens when someone else drives the Jeep.

I would suggest getting the ProCAL and adjusting the DRL to one of the other modes and then this may address the problem you have with your HID.

I should also mention that you might still get buzzing relays and this can typically be addressed by the addition of the capacitors and resistors.

you seem to know about HIDS Octo. the problem i am having is that they shimmer (look like they are shaking) when on day time lights and then when i turn the lights on all the way they r fine but once i put it on HI beams they start ti shimmer again. is this because of the DRL (daytime running light)?


Menard666 11-29-2010 02:01 PM

Is there a link to the HID kit you purchased?

Sinkic 11-29-2010 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by Menard666 (Post 1958916)
Is there a link to the HID kit you purchased?

h ttp://www.ddmtuning.com/Products/DDM-HID-Kit-Slim-Ballast-35W-or-55W

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