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09.07.25 - Casparis Mines Run

Old 07-27-2009, 06:51 AM
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Thumbs up 09.07.25 - Casparis Mines Run

So a small band of us got together over the weekend and went out to Casparis, PA which is south west of Connellsville, PA. For anyone that doesnt know and wants to know, its where an old limestone mine and town used to be but it got shut down and removed years ago. Now the whole area is state game lands and there are dozen's of trails back there. Its a really good place and has a bit of everything, and best part, its free access.

But anyway, here are some pictures.

airing down at the trail head...

the trail up to the mines and also along the main road for the first few miles is rather easy and only presents a few small mud splashes. the real trails are later.

a year ago, there were no trees on this mound... now you can barely tell there are 4 mine shafts here. The mine shafts used to be 3 giant 60' tall by 30' wide openings and a 4th entrance that was about 20' by 20'. The sealed them up back in 2003 but left the very tops open due to the place being a bat habitat.

so like always, we climbed to the top and went in...

sort of get an idea how big each entrance was here...

and we went way in...

the group of us that went in... we were about 1/2 -3/4 mile in one of the tunnels.

oddly, there were plants in there...

coming out and at the top of the mound...

the big pile of rocks at the bottom of this picture is due to a large section of the mine ceiling falling in. it was reason number 1 in a long list of reasons to close the mines up. Before they closed them, you used to be able to drive in for several miles. But they didnt want some poor smuck in an SUV to be crushed when this happens right above them.

at the bottom looking back at one of the main tunnel entrances. If you didn't know there were a bunch of mine shafts here, you'd never notice them. in a few more years they'll be completely hidden and only those of us that know about them will still be able to find them.

and we took the hike out to the over look

another shot of the mines...

on to the trails!

from here we did what i've been calling "Cherokee Loop" for the fact there is an old 1970's cherokee on the side of the trail about half way around the loop.

there is one part of this trail that always gets people to start puckering up, especially if they have a taller jeep. The trail has become a major washout and thus has a rather deep rut on one side. now, the problem is, the trail isn't wide enough to avoid it, so you get to lean, really far........

Last edited by atomicmecha; 07-27-2009 at 07:02 AM.
Old 07-27-2009, 06:52 AM
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Thumbs up part 2

seems that everytime we go, we have to clear fallen tree's. most of the time its just big pieces that are in the way or vines that have fallen. I've learned to move the vines first, cause if there is a bunch of debree up there, hitting them may cause them to dump all that onto your softtop

the old cherokee...

used to be an old ranger's station here... all that's left is the foundation.

did i forget to mention that wash out that cause's you to lean way over wasnt the only one on this trail?

and we finished the loop... now on wards to the exit and rock playground!

i'm getting dirty...

major mud hole. and its a decieving little sucker... it starts out all nice and then KADOSH! the mud comes over the hood. atleats that's what happened the first time i did this. But now i know better and go a little slower. but it's still got one heck of a dip.

oh, did i mention there's two dips!

Old 07-27-2009, 06:52 AM
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Thumbs up part 3

at the play area. it used to have more rocks and hills, and such. but they came in and cleared a lot out. needed some dirt and rocks for some construction nearby.

after that we headed to the exit. But we found that there is now a gate there because the land had been brought by a development company. The gate wasn't locked so we went out that way. but i made note of it and so did everyone else that we can no longer use the sandy flat entrance/exit anymore. so for anyone else that wants to check this place out, please note that that entrance for all intent and purposes is closed.

on the way home, Katie and I stopped at the overlook to get some pictures.

it was a good day, i got plenty dirty so that i can piss the CEO's here at work off by parking next to their BMW's and Lexus's. I'm sure everyone had a fun time on the trails and I hope to get back there soon once the jeep is gone.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Old 07-27-2009, 07:27 AM
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Awesome Pics. The caves were so cool. There are some caves in Oklahoma from where they quarried rock for a mansion. I will get pics of it someday if I can still get inside. Thanks for sharing.
Old 07-27-2009, 07:56 AM
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Looks like a great time. I wish it was a little closer. Great pix!
Old 07-27-2009, 10:03 AM
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Those pics came out great
We had a very good time
I was even like this at times
Old 07-27-2009, 10:16 AM
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Pics we took

Old 07-27-2009, 10:26 AM
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More pics

Old 07-27-2009, 10:45 AM
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And more


Last edited by RUDY850; 07-27-2009 at 10:48 AM.
Old 07-27-2009, 10:58 AM
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Made it home. Just a Little dirty

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