15-Year-Old Willys Owner Is Quite the Jeep Fan

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Ben Zenger isn’t your normal Jeep collector. Nope, not at all.

For starters, he’s only 15-years-old.

Not exactly the age you’d expect for someone who owns a 1954 Willys, right? Even more interesting, Ben bought the M38A1 Willys by selling birdhouses, as highlighted in a Journal West report.

Sometime later, the teen decided that just owning the Jeep wasn’t enough. So, he embarked on the task of completely rebuilding the Jeep from the frame up, by researching all the necessary information online. Soon one of the teen’s older neighbors, Harlan Cobert, who also owns a Willys, jumped in to give Ben some encouragement during the build. But Ben did all the work himself.

“I would love to know how many hours I spent on this thing,” Ben told the Journal West. “I know it like the back of my hand, absolutely.”

The teen is now eyeing a CJ-7 as his everyday vehicle. And we can’t wait to see it!

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Via [Journal West]

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