Behind the Build: Extreme Barbie Jeeps

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Barbie Jeep Build

By now you have probably seen, or at least heard, about one of the latest crazes in the Jeep world called “Extreme Barbie Jeep Racing.” If not, let’s just say it’s the answer to the question, “What makes your side ache in laughter?” Grown-ups taking toy Barbie Jeeps, modifying them to roll on their own, and then racing them against one another downhill to near disastrous results.

So this year, while some may be rooting for past King of the Hammers Champions like Loren Healy, Randy Slawson, or Mitch Guthrie, a good number in the JK crowd will be cheering their warriors on in the “Jeep Asylum Versus JK-Forum Winner Takes All Extreme Barbie Jeep Grudge Match” … or at least rolling in laughter as those warriors become decoupled from their rigs on the course.

While it is a fun race for bragging rights for most, it is serious business for others, and a time to show off their racing skills. Or should we say, “the ability to keep all hands and legs inside the car at all times”? Follow along here as some of our members build up their rigs for the race.

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