The Unholy Jeeps of the Blasphemy Picture Thread

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blasphemous jeep

According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, blasphemy is defined as “something said or done that is disrespectful to God or to something holy.”

I wouldn’t go so far as to consider a Jeep a God (though perhaps if God drove, he’d drive a Jeep). However, it’s perfectly reasonable to think of a Jeep as something holy, isn’t it?

If it is, then the Jeeps populating the 34-pages of the “Blasphemy Picture Thread” are not just aptly named, but they are sins against all that is holy.

Alas, it’s kind of one of those situations where you can’t look away. Worry not though, just say three Hail Marys at the end of the lowlights below and you should be good to go.


Cause it wasn’t enough to just be Barbie Pink, you also had to go and get Teddy Bear rims too?

ugly jeep

Apparently Randy Savage’s little dorky cousin drives a Jeep, and it’s nowhere near as lovely as Miss Elizabeth.

terrible jeeps

Olive and pink, that classic combination, never looked so bad. If only it were a little foggier, we wouldn’t have to unsee it in the first place.


We’re assuming this guy got struck by lightning.


There should definitely be a rule against whatever the heck this monstrosity is. Come to think of it, isn’t there a rule against dragging the flag on the ground?

ugly jeep

Just ’cause you’re dressed in all white, it doesn’t mean you’re not sinning.

bone jeep

This bone deserves to be buried.

You know what, after that display, you may want to make it five Hail Marys.

There’s plenty more sinning going on the forum. >>

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